Wilcom working with HappyJapan Embroidery Machines
The page details how Wilcom EmbroideryStudio works with HappyJapan Embroidery Machines.
HappyJapan file format support
EmbroideryStudio supports the following HappyJapan Embroidery Machine file formats:
- Happy *.TAP
HappyJapan embroidery files can be exported from EmbroideryStudio and WilcomWorkspace Truesizer.
NOTE: Happy-Japan machines, like most embroidery machines, also support the Tajima *.DST file.
HappyJapan machine connection support
Wilcom EmbroideryStudio supports the following machine connection methods for HappyJapan Embroidery Machines.
- Serial connection using Stitch Manager or Machine Manager
- Wireless connection using Wilcom EmbroideryConnect
Technical support and help
For technical support or help connecting to your HappyJapan embroidery machine, please visit the Wilcom Help Center.